Community Educational Programs

First Wednesdays, 11:00 am – 12 noon (Open to the Public)

Our “First Wednesdays” mental health lecture series is open to the general community. This series of presentations is an opportunity for members of the community to learn about mental health issues and topics. First Wednesday presentations are free of charge. Those guests seeking to become clinical volunteers are also invited to come early or stay later to meet the Center’s volunteers, and learn more about the Center.

Current Faulk Center for Counseling clients and those who have been clients within the past six months are not eligible to become clinical volunteers. This is necessary in order to maintain the professional relationship between clients and the clinical team.

*First Wednesday dates are subject to change.

Speaker’s Bureau

The Speaker’s Bureau provides staff and volunteer speakers to promote community awareness of the Center’s services and programs. Informational presentations usually include a brief video about the Center and a question-answer session. Community organizations that would like to arrange for a speaker can call the Center for information.