Training Programs

Professional Practicum and Internship Programs

Graduate Student Training

An integral part of the Faulk Center for Counseling is the clinical training of future mental health professionals. Graduate students from around the country apply to our doctoral psychology internship, social work internship, and practicum programs. The Center offers graduate students a unique and dynamic learning experience in which trainees may develop their professional and personal identities. Students receive intensive training in humanistic, client-centered therapy, but also learn and practice other psychological theories and techniques in a variety of settings with various populations.

Volunteer Training

Annual Facilitator Training Course (FTC) – Held annually or semiannually – call the Center for the next session at 561-483-5300

The Facilitator Training Course (FTC), a key component in the Center’s provision of free and low-cost counseling services, is the source from which we draw volunteer group leaders and facilitators, who are so critical to our mission. The FTC, offered annually, provides the opportunity for community residents, regardless of academic qualifications, to learn our counseling techniques.

Attendance at the FTC does not guarantee clinical placement, but it does guarantee each participant an opportunity for personal growth by learning enhanced coping and communication skills. All FTC graduates who consistently attend required supervision meetings for a designated period of time and show an outstanding ability to facilitate groups may be offered a group assignment should an opportunity arise. FTC graduates are required to regularly attend Skill Builders and/or Group Leaders and/or Supervision Meetings in order to be eligible to facilitate/lead a group.

The Facilitator Training Course is:

  • Offered as an initial training opportunity for qualified volunteer clinicians at the Center.
  • A way to help people reach their potential.
  • A course in listening and communication skills.
  • A way to be useful and to restore meaning to living, by giving to others.
  • An initial introduction to a place, a group of people of similar interests and a set of skills, all of which are potentially life-enhancing.

The course is held over a 3-day period. Cost: $145 — Scholarships may be available.

Ongoing Weekly Clinical Meetings Open Only To Facilitator Training Course Graduates Only.